Laurea Magistrale (MSc) in

Computer Engineering

FoReLab Degree Certificate

As part of the educational initiatives of the FoReLab project of the Department of Information Engineering (winner of the Call for Departments of Excellence of the MUR 2023/2027), an excellence training course is activated mainly, but not exclusively, for students who have interests in the research topics of the project.   

To get the FoReLab degree certificate, a student enrolled in the MSc in Computer Engineering (CE) must:

The suggested FoReLab group from which the interested student can choose an activity is as follows:

Double Degree in Master of Science Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Illinois at Chicago

Students enrolled in the Laurea Magistrale in Computer Engineering (LM-CE) at the University of Pisa (UNIPI) can also obtain the degree of Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS-ECE) from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) while working towards their degree in Italy.


* In Oct-Dec, students attend the first semester courses of the first year of the LM-CE program at UNIPI

* In Mar-May, students attend the second semester courses of the first year of the LM-CE program at UNIPI

Among these second semester courses, 15 CFUs will be considered also for the MS-ECE program at UCI (list of courses subject to variation, to be confirmed every year). The exams relevant to these selected courses must be passed with success at the first attempt, and evaluation will count for UIC enrolment.


* In Aug-Dec, students attend the fall semester courses of the MS-ECE program at UIC

Students must attend 3 ECE courses at 500 level plus performing laboratory activity mandatory for the fulfillment of the thesis

* In Jan-Jun, students spend the spring semester at UIC working on their MS-ECE thesis and defending it to earn the MS-ECE degree at UIC 

Optional but highly recommended


* Students attend the courses of the second year of the LM-CE program at UNIPI

Among the attented courses at UIC, a minimum of 9 CFUs will be granted for the LM-CE program. Students expand their UIC thesis and defend it to earn the LM-CE degree at UNIPI.

For further information, please contact prof. Nicola Tonellotto (nicola.tonellotto(at)

Apertura Bando a.a. 2024/25 Borse di Studio - Doppio Titolo Università' di Pisa

Presenta la tua candidatura entro il 15/12/2025!

Siamo lieti di annunciare l’apertura del Bando per l’anno accademico 2024 – 2025 che ha come destinatari gli studenti dell’Università di Pisa regolarmente iscritti ai corsi di Laurea Magistrale in Computer and Engineering.

L’associazione FLY UNIVERSITY PROJECT- ETS, per l’anno accademico 2024-2025, istituisce un concorso per l’assegnazione di contributi a favore di studenti universitari iscritti a corsi di laurea magistrale in Computer Engineering presso l’Università di Pisa, che intendono conseguire il doppio titolo Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering presso University of Illinois Chicago dando priorità a chi si trovi in condizioni di svantaggio fisico, psichico, sociale o familiare o in difficoltà economica.

PERIODO DI RIFERIMENTO: Anno Accademico 2024 – 2025

SCADENZA: 15 Dicembre 2025

ATENEO: Università di Pisa

CORSI DI STUDIO: 1° anno di Laurea Magistrale in Computer and Engineering

DESTINATARI: Studenti iscritti al 1° anno di Computer and Engineering



La partecipazione al bando, i requisiti e le modalità di iscrizione sono disponibili QUI 

The University of Pisa, founded in 1343, has a strong international reputation. According to the latest edition of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2022, the University of Pisa is ranked between 151st and 200th in the world and is 4th in Italy. According to the QS World University Ranking 2022, the University of Pisa ranks 388th worldwide and is 7th in Italy. 

The MSc provides its students with a solid and in-depth education, in line with the needs of innovation in the field of computer engineering. The course further advances the students’ knowledge portfolio in both the fundamental sciences and the engineering disciplines. This allows graduates to interact with engineering professionals from all backgrounds, as well as to complete their mastering of computer engineering. 

The course includes a common set of learning activities, which go in-depth into methodological and engineering disciplines and completes the expertise in computer engineering. Students can then choose among three tracks, namely: Computer Systems and Networks, Cyber-physical systems, and Cybersecurity. The first one advances further on large-scale computing and networking infrastructures, the second one provides students with expertise on embedded systems and the internet of things and, finally, the last one focuses on the design of secure systems and applications.

Programme type

Laurea Magistrale (Second-cycle degree) - 120 ECTS



Degree Programme class

LM-32 - Computer systems engineering 

Learning activities

Study plan

Professional profiles

Why to enroll?

Facts and figures

"MENTORSHIP, diversity is our strenght!". To encourage the creation of university mentorship schemes supporting the social and academic inclusion of students with migratory background and refugees. Here’s our mentors! 

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